Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I find the whole dating scene tragically amusing. I blame feminists. Men had it right throughout the fifties; women became carnivorous. Believe it or not, men had the competency to ask a woman out without all the absurdity. Push a man too callously, he is sure to fall and sure enough he did. Men have befallen into a destitute of skepticism. Equality you ask for? Well,ask and you shall receive ladies; complacency is hardly plausible now.

I am drowning in a sea filled of games and duplicity.

Let us play make believe, shall we?
I like to think of myself as the stripper in the complex that is dating. In Between the whores and the prudes of the empirical world, somewhere lies my stance. My vulnerability will expose itself to a certain extent but quickly diminishes if fortitude wavers. Unlike whores, who allow their every extremity to show within the first few days; these are your so-called "stage five clingers". Or take the prudes on the other hand, exposure to them would be shaving during the winter; your so-called "feminists." One becomes jaded seeing this kind of deplorable behavior occur constantly within the confines of society. One of my more treasured attributes is that of my integrity; I refuse to lose site of who I am and what I have to offer as others tend to do over time.

Narcissism has wrapped its avarice carriage around the minds of women everywhere. The only thing left for the ones that survived the wreckage is to saddle up and face the music. I want to witness a world where people can say what they mean and mean what they say without contention. Allow yourself to become defenseless but make sure it is someone worth sacrificing your vulnerability for because exposure was never for the feeble.

"That's Brittany, tough and vulnerable. She's the real thing."

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